What to Wear for your Fall Portraits

Many have been reaching out to our studio inquiring what is recommended to wear this time of year! For our area (North Eastern Wyoming) we get a short window for the fall foliage to cooperate with those bright vivid colors. With this said, we recommended deep color tones! Not every individual in your group needs to match the exact same color. Choose an accent color, pattern or simply select a pallet. 


Really great colors for this fall are burgundy, plum wild berry, mocha, mustard, tangerine, and mauve! We are in love with these fall color picks!!  


Don't love this look for your family? No worries! Each individual has their own taste, and style. Taking time to curate your wardrobe will offer you the prime fall portraits your seeking to find. Not sure if what you have picked out goes together? No problem, message our studio with what you have picked out, and we are happy to assist with making suggestions. Most have items right in their own closet that would accent and work perfectly with what they have. Need something new? Our local stores are limited on what they can provide style wise last minute. We do have one Boutique in town that always has the latest fashion trends and color schemes in all sizes. Visit Tin Wagon Boutique for more information on how they can assist in styling your fall portraits. 


One helpful suggestion we offer, is start with moms wardrobe first. Nailing down what mom is comfortable in, and feels most confident in is a great starting point. Design the children, and dads outfit around moms to coordinate them together. More color pallet selections can be seen below:  

